Looking for an experienced web professional with diverse expertise?

Geoffrey Lambeth, seo and web professional

Portrait of Geoffrey Lambeth wearing dark glasses, vest, shirt, and tie.

I’m a highly detail-oriented SEO and web professional with a unique perspective on web content strategy learned through years of multidisciplinary experience in digital content strategy, multimedia production, and print media.

Learn more about my experience, background, and interests →

Get to know my approach and experience

Web content strategy

Building on professional experience as a search engine optimization analyst, web copywriter, and magazine contributor—as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism, including coursework for data journalism, photo journalism, and documentary studies—I bring a unique, user-focused perspective to web content strategy. For every client or project, I use data-driven strategies to explore unique user interests, needs, and journeys to help shape the structure and nature of a site’s content strategy.

I have diverse experience as an SEO analyst, a content strategist, a marketing copywriter, a photographer, a photo and video editor, a digital asset manager, and more. This broad perspective helps me exceed my client’s and stakeholder’s expectations by bringing together working knowledge in the best practices and considerations of a wide range of disciplines.

Technical SEO

I am passionate about technical SEO because it brings together so many of the professional focus areas I am interested in.

I like to look at technical SEO like the bread of a sandwich—technical SEO at the top and bottom, but incomplete without a content filling. As a highly detail-oriented analyst, I always start with the basics that are expected of every high-performing, search optimized site—sitemaps, titles and metadata, page depth, links, and more.

Once a site meets the basic considerations for technical SEO, the fun stuff begins: I’m excited about entity-based SEO, pillar-based interlinking strategies, core web vitals, language localization, and much more. I am always keeping up with current events and developments in SEO, and I am quick to catch announcements to new Search Engine Results Page features, ranking systems and signals, and developments within the industry.

Front-end web development

As a self-taught web developer, I am an incredibly fast learner and am very comfortable learning on the job to adapt to your existing frameworks and design systems. This skill helps me collaborate with UX designers; front, backend, and full-stack developers; copywriters and editors; and others to produce nuanced recommendations regardless of my role. I am always considering the best tools to meet my projects’ requirements with the lowest overhead and the best performance—including on hypermedia based web applications, react-based frameworks like Remix and NextJS, modern Content Management Systems, and static site generation frameworks like Jekyll and Pelican.

As an analyst, my knowledge of front-end web development technologies allows me to make informed recommendations based on complex technical documentation—including adapting SEO best practices to accomodate changes in web specifications (like HTML5), analysis of render waterfalls for Web Core Vitals analysis, implementation of structured data schemas for entity-based SEO, and more.

Review my portfolio

Web strategy documentation, custom reporting implementations and data portals, briefs on best practices, client sites, and more. Explore full portfolio listings for more →

Screenshot of interactive network graph visualization build around philosophy-related seed keywords and keyphrases.

Visualizing topic networks to strategize for pillar-based marketing

  • Python
  • Web scraping
  • html_requests
  • networkx
  • pyviz
  • HTML

As SEOs, we can adapt robust network analysis frameworks (like the popular networkx python library) used by data scientists to explore connections between topics.

Screenshot of Grafana dashboard using Google Search Console APIs to visualize organic performance over time.

Using open source tools for Google Search Console and other JSON API dashboarding

  • Grafana
  • Google Search Console
  • Docker Compose

Escape Google Search Console's walled garden of performance insights to create reproducable reports based on the Google Search Console API.

Screenshot of seo-tools command line interface, featuring a --help feature to allow my team to check syntax without complex documentation.

Custom technical audit tools to support SEO projects

  • Python
  • Web scraping
  • HTML
  • sitemap.xml

Custom command-line tools support my technical SEO audits to save time and improve repeatability. Why waste hours searching for errors if you can automate it?

Screenshot of the NAU SEO requests portal homepage, featuring data pulled live from Google Search Console and cached on the server.

Always-on SEO data requests portal

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Google Search Console
  • chart.js
  • Bootstrap
  • MariaDB
  • Docker

This SEO requests portal automates many of the common requests I receive, including pulling top queries per site or generating a list of all pages and documents for a migration, to free up my time for analysis and new opportunities.

Screenshot of a page in NAU's fiscal year '24 SEO strategy highlighting at-a-glance SEO strategy, pillars in the SEO strategy, and why we need an SEO strategy.

FY24 search engine marketing strategy for Northern Arizona University

  • Pandoc
  • InDesign
  • Bootstrap Icons

NAU's search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is focused—first and foremost—on using organic search as a medium for uplifting the university's responsibilities to recruit and retain students in alignment with overarching strategic plans.

Excerpt from proposal slide deck highlighting mobile and desktop layouts of proposed CTA.

Proposal: Content-specific CTA to drive increased microconversion and engagement

  • VWO Testing
  • Google Optimize
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Proposal to develop a customizable call-to-action component for posts featuring niche content. Proposal reviewed and approved by senior leadership team, including Chief Marketing Officer. Added to development backlog for future research, AB testing, and consideration for final development.